2010年1月6日 星期三

Mille Feuille Sponge Cake

This cake has been on my to-do list for over a year, so I am happy to take it off finally!

Eating this cake is very interesting - Just one bit, my mouth was stuffed with very crisp and easy-to-crack layers, very soft sponge cake layers and strawberry layers. Imagine this, and how do you feel now? mmmmm...

Actually I felt it was so difficult for me to make even a sponge cake now. It seems everything could go wrong so easily. I guess it's because I haven't made cakes for months? With that said, the next few posts should be about cakes made by me...haahaa...

Anyhow, here is the recipe for Mille Feuille. It's actually quite easy to make. Just bear in mind not to roll the pastry too thin or you will break the layers and the butter will come out everywhere......

5 則留言:

  1. Great! I suggest you to open a shop on Ebay or Taobao right now!


  2. Thanks guys!! Thanks for your advice, Zheping...

  3. refer to these sites:

    They are expensive, but successful cake makers in China.

  4. thanks!!!! they look SO GOOD. I bookmarked the links!
